explore the blog

John in Oxford

January 13, 2011


January 5, 2011 my brother left the states for a 6 month study aboard at the University of Oxford in England.

My brother, John, is a genius and he has every right to study there but I’m not jealous about him being a student at Oxford. I’m jealous of his 5 week break this spring when he’ll travel all over Europe, half with my parents, half by himself. I am so jealous!

But that doesn’t mean I won’t miss him dearly. Here are a few shots I took of his initial departure.

Driving to the airport he spoke to me about possibly starting his own blog to document this time in his life. I really hope he decides to go through with it because I would love to be able to stalk him even more than I do now (thanks Facebook!) lol!


  1. Kat says:

    You could have probably guessed that I’d be all over this! 😉 MAN. So exciting! I think even just studying at Oxford will surely be an amazing experience… But then traveling around Europe will be quite eye-opening as well, I imagine. I’m so glad that he gets to do this! And yes, of course, I am jealous as well. Haha. You know I can’t stay in the same place for long, it drives me crazy, so I wish I could do what he’s doing right now… 🙂