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Happy 21 weeks to me! I’m officially in my second half of this pregnancy and boy does it feel good! One of the things tell say about the second trimester is that you start feeling more like yourself again, and I am so thankful for that! You can ask Neil, there were times were I […]

November 24, 2014

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Picking up from last week’s post, more journal entries! This week is missing Friday and Saturday’s entry because apparently, I didn’t write in my journal those nights. IVF, Week 2, The Egg Retrieval: July 13th: I woke up very early this morning for another Nashville appointment – a blood draw and ultrasound. The ultrasound technician […]

November 17, 2014

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During the first month or so I kept an IVF journal. The best way to explain what my month of July was like, I thought I’d write straight from my journal. IVF treatment, Week 1: July 6th: I have been taking PNV (pre natal vitamins) and two other supplements for over a month now. Tonight, […]

November 10, 2014

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You might recall last Monday’s post where I detailed how messed up both and Neil and I are (were?) in the reproductive side of our anatomy and physiology. We were so incredibly blessed to have one of the top IVF (in vitro fertilization) clinics only a couple hours away from us in Nashville. BLESSED. There’s […]

October 27, 2014

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As my daughter celebrates turning 16 months old (4 days ago), I’m just now getting around to blogging our maternity portraits of me carrying her, captured by Carrie Cunningham inside our now home, during all of the craziness of renovations. It was mid December and therefore cold so having them taken outside and include a good natured Graeme (then just shy of 3 yers old) wasn’t really an option. Even more so, it was so important to us that these portraits be taken inside our home even though it wasn’t done (still isn’t!) nor were we moved in yet!

This renovated house wasn’t important just because it was to be our home – where we’d bring Georgia home but it embodies every single spare minute of our lives while we were deciding whether or not we wanted to go through in-vitro fertilization again, while I was getting treatment, and while I carried Georgia. Literally. Every. Spare. Minute.

Our infertility journey – diagnosis through IVF treatment and to the other side, now with two children of our own – has been a long one, much like the on-going process of renovating our 100+ year old house and turning into a home. I’ll forever cherish these images and I enjoy reflecting upon them and seeing how our family and our house has changed since.

December 30, 2017

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Yesterday’s blog post, which was suppose to go up on Wednesday but I kind of forgot that it was Wednesday altogether (I even forgot to go to my chiropractor appointment!!) and didn’t realize it until late that evening, I highlighted The Joys & Miseries of The First Trimester of Pregnancy. If you’re pregnant or TTC […]

March 13, 2015

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