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Oh, what a title! For those that follow the blog, I bet you think this post is a loooonnnggg time coming – and you’d be right! For months I’ve been blogging/complaining about the all the wonderful symptoms that come with pregnancy but it’s not ALL bad ALL the time. And because I have several lovely […]

March 12, 2015

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Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, people had sex to get pregnant. They peed on sticks and waited with giddy excitement for two pink lines to emerge. And when they learned a baby was on the way, they were happy. This is not my story. If you didn’t already know that, […]

March 6, 2015

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I’ve had several ask me so I figured it was about time for me to disclose my maternity leave plans. I realize not many people take off BEFORE their due date, however, since I have no clue when little guy will make his arrival, I am giving myself a cut off date for photographing sessions. […]

January 29, 2015

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How Far Along: 30 weeks and 1 day!! Weight Gain/Loss: According to my OB app this morning, I’m currently sitting at 42 pounds of weight gain since before IVF treatments in July. Sleep: Breathing well still evades me, pretty much 24/7, but lately I’ve started tossing and turning throughout the night. Best Moment This Week: […]

January 26, 2015

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Yesterday’s blog post was titled similarly, however, today’s blog post is much different! 2014 brought many great, amazing blessings and challenges… definitely a year I am proud of but I’m also ready to have it over and done with. Last year, I blogged a 2013 review in a methodical way that I feel really helped […]

January 6, 2015

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Last Monday, I left off where we had just gotten the call that not only was I pregnancy, but I was most likely carrying twins! Thus begins, the first trimester!!! The first thing we did was put on our We’re Gonna Be Parents! t-shirts that I’d bought right after we’d started this crazy IVF process! […]

December 1, 2014

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