The truth is I don't take this job of mine lightly. My heart goes into every ounce of my work. For me, photography is beyond picking up the camera, snapping for a while, and sending you on your way. It's about emotional connection. It's about romance and affection.
It's about laughter, tenderness,
respect, and adventure!

My couples value photography and prefer to have a connection to their photographer. To them it's more than just an item checked off on their list of wedding to do's. The people with whom I connect with are the people who love dancing in the field, who embraced the wind in the moment, who are down for a hike, stealing kisses, and my cheesy squeals when everything is just perfect. If this sounds like you, then keep reading!

When you choose your wedding photographer, as difficult as it may be, try not to base it on the price tag. It’s so much more than that! Flowers die, the food gets eaten, the guests leave, and your dress ends up in the back of your closet somewhere. The only thing you have left from your wedding day are your blurry memories... And the images! Your photographer is the person that helps you relive the way you felt that day. They give back everything from the tiny details to the epic moments. The photographer, the one person charged with the safe-keeping of the memories from the best day of your life, is someone you won't want to skimp on. 

My favorite thing is when I become friends with my brides. There is nothing quite like photographing your friends' weddings. You are not just another wedding to me. I truly want to get to know you, know him, learn about your story, how you met, the proposal, what your favorite things are! When I learn these things, I can capture the essence of the two of you in my images and give you something priceless. If you chose me as your photographer, think of it as adding another friend to the guest list. But, you know, I'll bring my camera ;)

It's about joy!

the wedding experience


number of weddings shot to date


number of weddings i take every year


number of states i've shot in


number of photographers at your wedding


minimum number of images you'll receive

The  Wedding  Experience

begins at

- $4200 -