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August Snapshot

August 2, 2013

You ever have one of those mornings where your alarm clock goes off at 7:15 AM and you jump out of bed, excited for the day to start? Well, I haven’t either but not because today’s not exciting enough but more so because I am NOT a morning person, no matter how many days in a row I wake up before 8. Since the beginning of summer, my mom and I have been waking up every week day morning to go biking. My mom is one of those early morning people, PLUS she exercises every single day, one way or another. So we started going 6 miles each morning and finally we worked out way up 14.5 miles. I might not feel great when I wake up but I feel amazing when I’ve finished… exercise really is the best thing for stress! PLUS, waking up early starts my day sooner and productivity has never been higher!

Speaking of which, I’m now working from my new office! If you follow me on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, you’ve seen a few pictures and once I clean this mess of a room up a bit I’ll blog about it. I’m seriously LOVING having an actual office instead of just hogging a very large couch and ottoman. Neil likes it too haha. Best part, tho? I have very few, if any, distractions. Again, productivity!

Bookings for 2014 Weddings are picking up and also for fall portraits. Which I LOVE, btw… hint hint 😉

Because I don’t take a ton of pictures of my life with my big camera, I am going to start showing you little tid bits of my life with instragram pictures because Lord knows I take a lot of those!

But first! A preview for the month of August: 2 portraits session, 2 weddings, 2 weddings where I’m second shooting, a secret party (wink wink), and a Sunday school class lake day! I am sooo looking forward to having some time to work on the office and a few special projects!

