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Tyler & Chelsea, A Pennyrile Forest Engagement Session

December 16, 2013

One of my favorite things about being a wedding photographer is hearing all the wonderful, unique love stories – how they met, how he (or she!) proposed – and Tyler & Chelsea’s story is no different! Even though they both attended Western Kentucky University all four years of their undergrad, they didn’t meet until the last semester of their senior year!

Some people call it fate, I call it God. He knows exactly the right time to bring people into our lives and the exact time that we’re ready for the love of our life. If Neil and I started dating when he first wanted to date me (I was dating someone else at the time) the relationship wouldn’t have lasted – we were far too young and far too immature. It would be four more years before we were ready for each other, and God knew that! Timing is everything and God’s timing is perfect!

Tyler & Chelsea finally did meet at a party were they “danced the night away”! Their friendship started off with a friendly, yet competitive game of one-on-one basketball a few days after the party and they quickly grew from friends to best friends, best friends to something more. And something more led to a proposal that any girl would love! Picture this: summer 2013, Destin Florida vacation with Tyler’s family, a schemed “family portrait session” on the beach, and Tyler on bended knee in front of Chelsea while his family videotaped the scene. How simple yet perfect!

We squeezed their engagement session into the busy fall portrait season and I’m so glad we could make time! I met them in downtown Dawson Springs for a few shots before we carpooled to the second location: Pennyrile Forest State Park! I’d been a couple times but never photographed a session there and not surprisingly, there were SO many backgrounds for me to choose from. Also not surprisingly? I shot more than the two hours allotted! Even though it was a little humid for a November day AND it started raining on us a couple times, Tyler & Chelsea were so amazing to work with, I could not have asked for a better day!


On the way to the state park, Chelsea wanted to stop at this bridge that was near her childhood home. It’s not had to talk a photographer into shooting on a bridge. Just a tip from me to you 😉


Behind the bridge was a walking trail that had a beautiful yellow leafed tree that wasn’t dead yet! And that’s obviously not very common in mid November. I had to take advantage of that, especially with Chelsea wearing that beautiful green dress!


See what I mean? Beautiful background!!


We arrived at the state park and I braved my giant fear of heights for Tyler & Chelsea and climbed a steep hill to get the next set of shots. Ask them, I was freaking out every once in a while but it was so worth it!


Another tree with leaves still on it!


Living around the lakes area (that’s what we call it around here) has majors benefit to it but it’s not very often you find a beach as perfect as this one.


Did I mention Tyler played football for Western Kentucky University? No? Well, he did! I love that Chelsea wanted to incorporate a football into their session for that reason!


Another favorite thing about being a wedding photographer? Most of the time, I can get people to do things that they most likely wouldn’t do unless a professional asked them to! haha! It was warmer that day BUT it had been cold and the lake water was still chilly.


In the image on the right, Chelsea shows us how cold the water really was! Can you hear her squeal? I just love this girl!!


She didn’t keep her feet in the water for long and I don’t blame her!


