I’ve been photographing portraits for over two years now but I’d never been asked to photograph anything other than people’s portraits. Until a few weeks ago when a lovely woman emailed me about photographing her family….farm. Of course, I never turn down an opportunity to take pictures but when I met the lovely woman’s brother at their family’s farm their story was just too much to pass up!
You see, this farm was built by the family’s patriarchs back in 1913 after they came to America in 1900. The family has spent every major holiday at this farm since and soon, they will put the farm up for sale. As a mother’s day present, the family wish to gift their mother and grandmother professional portraits of the farm because it has been such a large part of their family heritage. I’d say that that is one of the best presents they could ever give them and I’m honored they chose me to capture something so special to the entire family.