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Pursuit Paducah’s March Gathering

March 5, 2015

You ever have one of those days were your heart and mind are somewhere else than where they should be at that given moment? For example, yesterday was Wednesday – and work day for me – and the last thing I could make myself do was anything BUT prepare for our Little Guy’s arrival. Neil and I worked on the nursery and I made lists upon lists and read every natural hospital birth I could stumble upon on the internet. Kid you not, I was in the bath tub late last night, soaking for over two hours, just researching on my phone. I’m at the point where even though I’m ready for him to come, I’m scared he’ll come TOO early and we won’t be ready. Am I making any sense?

So yesterday, this blog post should have been published, but it didn’t happen and now I’m blogging on a Thursday – normally a house chore day. But, in case you didn’t know, Western Kentucky received 14 inches of snows last night and here I am, already done with most of my chores and in need of at least a good half work day to catch myself up. I tell you, working for yourself is WAY harder than I ever thought it would be. The discipline is something I don’t quite have down yet…Anyway…

Monday was Pursuit Paducah’s March Gathering; the theme was Linger and Learn and our lovely Erin Hendley of f.a.c.e Makeup Artistry hosted the gathering at her cute little storefront downtown. Our first order of business was exchanging our Secret Sister gifts with each other. I didn’t have a Secret Sister (a major leader sacrifice!) but I was just as excited as everyone else to see who had who and who gave/got what! A couple ladies mentioned us doing the Secret Sister every month! Haha! What a great idea, except we’d all go broke from loving on each other!

Everyone took the perfect amount of time, energy, and money and bought their Secret Sister extremely thoughtful gifts. I knew everyone would do a great job but I was BLOWN AWAY by their commitment to loving on their fellow Pursuit sister. My heart swells with love and appreciation for this group! Here are the match ups from the Secret Sister Activity:

Pursuit Community Paducah's March GatheringPursuit Community Paducah's March Gathering

Once the gifts were exchanged, we moved on to the second main event of March’s Gathering: Learn. Erin shared her inspiring story – how she made it to New York City, started her business, and then brought her talent and experience back home to Paducah – with the group. I love hearing about other creative entrepreneurs’ journeys and her’s was definitely one you don’t hear every day! So thankful to have her!

Of course, we couldn’t end the night without a group photo! The girls insisted I be in it but someone had to take the sad quality iPhone pic! I promised them I would be in more pictures once I wasn’t a pregnant fat cow anymore 😉

Pursuit Community Paducah's March Gathering

