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April Snapshot

April 2, 2013

Even though March was technically the beginning of the season for me, I’m starting this particular monthly blog post in April because it begins my full time photographer status. Which means I have more time to dedicate to my blog and keeping organized. Yay for all!

April also kicks off the month when, from here until November, I have zero weekends open. CRAZY! So crazy, because my business was NOWHERE close this busy last year. It’s definitely going to be a challenge, but a challenge I know I am SO ready to face! God’s been preparing my heart for this for a long time, I can feel it.

Personal Goals:
– Finish our bathroom renovation, finally!
– Take a break on house projects
– Plant some flowers
– Start cooking dinner again!
– Start exercising again
– Walk the dogs more

Like I mentioned before, April starts my busy season:
– 2 weddings
– 1 wedding as a second shooter
– 5 engagement sessions
– 2 portrait sessions
– Listen in on the Amazing Life Together, More Time for Love marriage webinar
– Attend the CONNECT Retreat in Georgia at the end of the month

And last but not least, my 27th birthday is in April! Woohoo! Still not sure how excited I am about turning 27 but it’s happening, whether I like it or not! We’ll be hosting a little get together at the house so it’s an even bigger reason to get our bathrooms done… the other reason is because I’m tired of living in a construction zone!


  1. Liz and Ryan says:

    Thanks so much for sharing the More Time for Love Webinar!!! We are so excited to have you join us! And happy early birthday!! 🙂