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One of my favorite things I do with my couples between the engagement session and the wedding day is getting together and creating their wedding day timeline. Last week, I mentioned that this is usually done during (or right before) the Pre-Wedding Consultation but it can be done much earlier if you’re like me and […]

May 28, 2014

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I don’t know what other people might call it but I have been calling it the Pre-Wedding Consultation since I started this little business of mine. If you’ve already had a Pre-Wedding Consultation with me then this information will not be new to you but if you haven’t and were maybe wondering what the heck is […]

May 21, 2014

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Last Wednesday SHOULD have been a Wedding Wednesday, but instead it was a I-got-crazy-busy-and-frankly-just-forgot-to-blog Wednesday. I don’t foresee that blog series making its way into my blog calendar ANY time soon 😉 So even though today is Monday, let’s just pretend it’s a Wedding Wednesday, OK? After your session or wedding with Rachael Houser Photography, […]

May 19, 2014

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