explore the blog

Change can be a good thing…

March 4, 2012

And I do believe that this change will be just that. A good thing.

I’ve been keeping a personal blog since July 2008. I started my photography blog not too long ago. I’d been struggling with the decision to keep them separate of merge the two. This afternoon I finally gave into my instincts and viola, Rachael Houser dot Com is now the home to both my personal and professional blog.

I’ll be working on the kinks for a few days but I really do think this merger will provide my clients a deep insight to me as a person and a photographer and my personal blog readers can enjoy my passion. This union will allow me to be more active as well. I’ll be updating more. That alone makes me happy.

In the mean time, please bear with me and PLEASE let me know if there’s something that’s not acting right or looks wacky. Thanks!!


  1. Jenny says:

    The merger looks great! I love the look and color scheme. The only suggestion I have is making the font color a slight bit darker. When you publish a paragraph, it can be kind of hard to see. I can’t wait to explore your site further!

  2. Pam says:

    I agree with Jenny. It is really hard to read. But good choice on combining both!!