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Connect Retreat 2014, part 2

April 14, 2014

View More: http://allenadamsphotography.pass.us/connectretreat2014

{Connect 2014}

I feel like I need to mail a check to our friends – Craig for our portraits in last Friday’s post, Eric for being second shooter to Craig and taking these pictures, and to Allen for editing them in such a classic black and white fashion. Thank you guys so much for blessing Neil and I with this portraits! Believe it or not, this professional photographer and her husband have NEVER had their portraits taken. Not even on our wedding day!! Sure we had a few pictures taken of us at last year’s retreat but nothing like this!

You saw part 1 of our mini portrait session on Friday, thanks Craig!!! but here’s part 2 – same poses, different angles, different photographer, different editor, just as awesome!

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I absolutely LOVE this image because it shows the true us: Neil being his silly self and me laughing at/with him!

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His smile makes me smile…

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So thankful we got this group shot! Yay for homemade tripods aka an old old wagon cart decoration in the yard.

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And now, I finally have some awesome shots of me at work! Another GREAT thing about having a second shooter 😉

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