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House Tour

August 27, 2012

We took possession of our house last night! Because the previous owners didn’t move out until yesterday, I had to wait to take pictures of the BEFORE: before we cleaned (not that there really was much to clean, they did a great job!), before we taped a single wall, before any boxes made it in the house. We spent this afternoon taping and getting and moving a few boxes in the garage and it’s late so…On to the pictures!

You may remember this photo from before BUT this time, my car is in the driveway! So yea, here’s the front (we have many plans for the front):

And then the back, a good view on the deck (also which we have many plans for):

The picture on the left shows our big magnolia tree. So excited for it to bloom! And the one on the right shows our stone walkway (plans):

View from the deck:

So imagine you walk in our front door and following the wall all the way around our house starting at the wall on the right this would be your tour…

So here’s the front door, and you see that wall on the left? Yea, THAT’s the wall on the right. Confused yet? It turns down the hallway:

First you’ll come to the first bedroom, the blue bedroom, will be the guest bedroom. It’s the first door on the right:

The second door and also the last door on the right is the second bedroom, the pink and yellow bedroom, will be the nursery:

Directly across the nursery is the master bedroom:

Off the master bedroom is the master bathroom (plans):

The shower gets its own big picture because we love it:

Coming out of the master bedroom and traveling back up the hallway, there’s a closet on the right:

Turning out of the hallway to your right and around the corner is another closet and the second bathroom:

Coming out of the second bathroom you’ll have a view into part of the living room:

But continuing on to the right you’ll see the dining area. I backed up into the living room to get a better shot:

Standing in the same spot, I turned to get a shot of coming into the kitchen:

Then I actually moved into the dining area for this shot. I was standing in front of the fireplace:

Then I moved into the kitchen on the other side:

On the other side of the kitchen is the eat in area, will be …. a surprise… those windows look out into the back yard:

On the other side of the eat in area is the laundry room which has a door to the back yard:

And finally, standing in the part of the living room pictured above, the front door again:

This is what Neil did the whole time I took pictures:

And if Neil went outside, this is what the puppies did:

Finally, this is what we also did while at the house. Our first dinner in our new house!


  1. Christina says:

    Congrats! Love it!

  2. Bryan Settle says:

    OMG! I love it! It looks perfect for you guys. The bathrooms are great and I love the glass tile backsplash.

  3. Tamela says:

    Rach it is just lovely!

  4. Jeannie says:

    Congratulations! It looks so lovely! And a nursery, huh? That really excites me…

  5. Pam says:

    Congrats!! I LOVE your house!! We ordered the same thing when we first moved it. LOL! Good luck.

  6. Mel says:

    The main bathroom has the weirdest and coolest sink ever. I totally want your house.

  7. Erica says:

    It looks awesome. Love the kitchen and the bathrooms. They look upgraded.

  8. Jenna says:

    omg, it’s SO cute, rach! imo, there’s not much to be done at all. i really love a lot of the decor they chose to begin with. congratulations!!! so jealous… i can’t wait until it’s time for josh and i to finally buy a new house together… the house we live in now is just his. and while, yes, it is my home too, it’s not really mine. y’know? meh…

    congrats again! so excited for you guys. 🙂