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July Snapshot

July 1, 2013

Months! They are flying by!

June was a bit of a rough month for The Houser Family. First, Neil got laid off from his job which was really scary because he was our main source of income since I quit my nursing job in April. All is well, he was only out of a job for 3 weeks and has landed a 100% better job than the one he had before! The pay is better, it’s only 12 mins away instead of 50, and he won’t be working midnights! AND he can move up the ladder much faster. We are both extremely happy and thank God for this amazing blessing! I know for certain that He was behind it all! Second, Neil’s dad had a heart scare that we initially thought was a heart attack and ended up being pericarditis. Again, praise God!

Great things that happened in June? I completed the rebrand, I got to second shoot for Stephanie Reeder, I started biking every morning with my mom (yay for exercise!!), and I started working on a special project that will be complete in August 😉

So what’s in store for July? 3 weddings, 3 portrait sessions, and a family vacation to Destin Florida. A few personal goals for July? Save up for something I’ve had my eye on for a while and continue working out.

