I’ve been using DailyMile to track my milage… every day that’s pretty enough outside I walk with my pups. My normal route is 2.54 miles. I realize that since it’s just now winter, nice days are going to be few and far between so when I can’t walk outside I’m going to hope on the elliptical that’s currently at the lake house. My wonderful husband is going to bring the elliptical to the apartment so that I can run on it at my leisure.
As far as toning up, which is one of my resolution this year, I’m going to stick with the 100 workout. It’s not very easy for me but it’s something that I hope to be able to do without almost dying while doing it. Best of all though, it will produce results.
I have been getting back in the habit of running and exercising again. Mainly because I joined a gym. So that has helped a lot. I might share what the Personal Trainer told to do. Daily mile is my fav for logging miles.