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A.J. & Kanisha, A Little River Engagement Session

November 18, 2013

You guys, these two are rockstars! But before I get to WHY they’re rockstars, let me introduce A.J. and Kanisha! Kanisha found me through my website and decided she wanted more information after viewing my gallery. She contacted me through my contact form and as I was responding to her initial inquiry, I received a personal email from her, essentially telling me we are wedding photography soul mates! Haha! And she wasn’t wrong… She liked/LOVED everything I had listed on my favorite things page! We met face to face for their booking meeting and I just knew they were the couple for me! And then later, we found out that I actually went to nursing school with A.J.’s sister-in-law!

Now normally for engagement sessions, we’d go to two locations within 15 minutes of each other to have different scenery. Kanisha’s dad actually stumbled upon a location that we could seriously spend all day shoot at and never get bored! Story time! Kanisha’s dad was kayaking/canoeing/whatever-ing down Little River one day and all the sudden he looks up and there, right on the shore of the river, is a beautiful house with a GORGEOUS property surrounding it. And you know what he did? What any AWESOME father-of-the-bride would do 😉 He paid the owners a visit and asked if they minded if we did the engagement session there! I’m so glad they said yes!


There’s no way they can get any cuter!!!


OH! They did it, they got cuter!!! (is that grammatically correct….?)


OK, second story time! The river that’s in the backyard? Kanisha wanted to CROSS it and climb up in a tree. I, of course, would stay on the property side (cameras don’t like water) and shoot across the way. I think on that day it was like… 60 degrees? Maybe? Definitely tolerable, unless you’re wading through calf deep running river water! Even in the hot hot summer, river water runs cold, so you can only imagine!


Worth it!!


