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Christmas Eve & Christmas Day (picture heavy)

December 28, 2010


Friday morning I woke up just in time to finish helping my mom prepare for lunch and get myself ready for the day. Every year, it’s always the same.

Christmas Eve at noon, my mom’s side of the family gathers at my parents’ house for lunch and presents.

Afterward, the boys go hunting for a few hours while the women clean and chat it up in the kitchen. It started snowing pretty good that afternoon and I was beside myself. We haven’t had a White Christmas in many years. It was soooo beautiful! In the evening Neil I have join his family for their church’s Christmas Eve service and after that we join my family at my church for our Christmas Eve service. This year I sang in a trio during the service.

The Housers’ immediate family Christmas is directly after our church so we rush over to Neil’s parents’ house for dinner and presents.

Christmas morning use to be when we would open presents from my immediate family but since my older brother now has a family of his own, they like to have their Christmas uninterrupted. I don’t blame them. Nowadays, we sleep in, get up and get ready for lunch and presents at my dad’s brother’s house.

We ended our Christmas festivities later that night at my parents’ house with my parents, my younger brother, my older brother, his wife and daughter, Neil and myself. We all got some great gifts, which I will post about tomorrow. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!


  1. Stephanie says:

    I love all of the guys in the furry hats! Haha, so great. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! 🙂 And I’m so glad we both got our white Christmas’ – my very first!

  2. Pam says:

    I love this post!! It is not heavy pictured at all. You had a very beautiful Christmas.

    P.S. Love the beer in the snow. Reminds me of home.