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Just a little reminder

October 16, 2011

There are only a few things in my life that I know for certain.

1. I am a Christian. I was born into a Christian family, I was raised in the my family’s church and, even though I have done plenty of research, I am more a follower of Jesus Christ today than I was before I had knowledge of the world and its other religions. The older I get, the more experiences I gather, and the more truth I find in His word.

2. I love my husband. Every day I wake up next to my best friend and at the end of every day I kiss him goodnight. I can tell him anything and he listens without judgment. Sometimes I think he doesn’t understand me but then other times he is the only one who can. I thank God for him every day.

3. I have the most amazing parents in this world. My dad is my hero and my mother is my best friend. They’re both so generous and I actually choose to spend tons of time with them, whenever I can. Just yesterday, my mom assisted me in shooting a wedding because we LOVE to spend time together. I will never tire of family vacations πŸ™‚

4. I have two best friends that I would be lost without. Megan, who I’ve spoken of many times before and Lorena, who is a new addition in my life but nursing school just would be hell if I didn’t have her by my side. I count of them so much and I try to be there for them to count on me as well.

5. My pups are my life source. It may sound strange but I have no children of my own, other than my furbabies, and they are the only beings that NEED me. As a human, I need to be needed. And as a woman, I need to take care of someone or someones. Right now, Aly and Benny fill that void perfectly.

6. My life is good. Sure, it’s not exactly what I had pictured for myself at 25 years of age but it’s not a disappointment either. I, as a person, have changed from who I thought I would be and therefore, my priorities have changed. Once I became OK with that, I was able to actually start living this life that I have.

Sometimes I need to remind myself of these things. It helps, ya know?


  1. Mel says:

    “Sometimes I think he doesn’t understand me but then other times he is the only one who can.”

    That sentence right there…Truly reminds me of how I feel about Dan. πŸ™‚ I love him so…even though sometimes he drives me NUTS!! πŸ™‚

  2. Erica says:

    aw, I love this post. little reminders are a great thing.