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Megan’s Baby Shower

August 1, 2011

I, along with our friend Melissa, hosted my best friend Megan’s baby shower yesterday. Neither Melissa or I had as much time and/or money as we would have liked to have in order to throw this shower BUT since it was just for church ladies, we knew they didn’t mind. Megan had told us from the beginning not to spend hardly any money. She’s sweet like that. We did everything ourselves and I’m really happy with how it turned out. P.S. Some pictures we taken by me, some were taken by my momma. Can you guess which ones? 😉

{Melissa and I}

{The gift table before guest had even arrived. These were all waiting for her!}

{Megan, Melissa, and I}

{Food table!}

{My cupcakes 🙂 The cookies were provided by Megan’s momma}

{The little baby buggy that Melissa made. So cute!}

{We had the guests decorate a onesie! It was SO much fun.}

{“Here’s a candle for you to light one the stork has made its flight, with a flicker of the flame, please say a prayer in the baby’s name”}

{Megan kept saying “Wow, people really LIKE me!” lol}

And below are some onesies that the guests made. How cute are they?!?


  1. Mel says:

    Oh, I love when onesies are done! So cute and lucky for her that her guests were creative. ;D Also, love the colors in your outfit. 🙂

  2. Momfish says:

    Love the onesies and the gift table – too cute! The whole thing looked beautiful.

  3. Leanne says:

    Oh wow- You guys did an AMAZING (amazing, amazing, …haha you get the idea!) job! I love the photo hanging thing idea, the watermelon, ah- everything! It was very personalized and crafty ^_^ Awesome job, I’m sure she LOVED it!

  4. emmysuh says:

    If you weren’t in them, I can’t tell the difference between pics your mom took and yours! She did a good job!

    I love the paint your own onesie table.

    You look vair pretty. Your hair is getting so long!