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The Office, Inspiration

July 12, 2013

Pinterest is a woman’s best friend and worst enemy. I have found SO MUCH inspiration for my home office but sadly, I can’t do it all, which is why I’m blogging everything I’d like to do in hopes that putting it all out there will help me… not change my mind, but narrow it down? Yea…. so, here we go! Be ready for a ton of images!!

Even though the next room over has a big comfy couch, my pups tend to want to be where I am.

I doubt I’ll use a chalkboard as the background but I LOVE this idea!

I don’t know where I’ll put this, but I NEED it in my home office.

I plan on putting these up in every room of my house because they’re simply perfect!

Not only will these look great, they will do exactly what it says they’ll do: clean the air! More oxygen to my brain=better creativity!

Again, these will probably go in other rooms of the house but I’d love to have an entire wall for images. By putting the photos in frames, I can change them out without changing the look of the gallery wall completely.

Really cute idea, hope I can find room for this!

The closet doors aren’t as bad as the “before” above but this gives me encouragement!

Holy moly does the office need some sort of bookcases. Maybe I’ll build my own?

Possibility for window coverings?

Just a reminder that I’m sure will help each and every morning when I walk into “work”

Another good reminder


It would be super cool to have this so that I can take portraits in my office

I love this layout

Big windows, green walls <3

Gallery wall behind the desk=perfect

chevron <3


Wingback chairs for clients?

White furniture and all the color!!!!!

Overall look of this office area is pretty much perfect

So there you have it! Are you forming an image in your head of what my office will look like? If so, can you please let me know what it looks like? I think I’m still a little lost… ha.

