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Week 33

February 16, 2015

How Far Along: 33 weeks and 1 day!

Weight Gain/Loss: Still hanging out around the 48-50 pounds gained right now. Swelling is a mother, I tell ya!

Sleep: I’ve been sick for over a week now but I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! I’ve slept pretty dang well, even for being pregnant, the past few nights. And it’s wonderful!

Best Moment This Week: Our second baby shower was yesterday and it was amazing! I must admit that I’ve never liked having all the attention on myself, like at our wedding showers. However, I definitely felt like the attention was off of me and more on our Little Guy… So many blessings from so many lovely people especially my mother-in-law, sisters-in-law, and aunt-in-law who really outdid themselves! Graeme is already loved SO MUCH and I cannot wait for him to get here! Below are a few photo from the shower 🙂

Pirate Themed Baby ShowerPirate Themed Baby ShowerPirate Themed Baby ShowerPirate Themed Baby ShowerPirate Themed Baby ShowerPirate Themed Baby ShowerBaby-Shower-Rachael-Houser-Photography_0007Baby-Shower-Rachael-Houser-Photography_0008

Movement: Still about the same as last week. Not as much as I use to feel but lately I feel like he’ growing faster than I’m growing… I can’t keep up lol

Food Cravings/Aversions: For the entire pregnancy I’ve only allowed myself soda on the weekends and then around Christmas, only “sweets” on the weekends as well. Past week or so I’ve really been craving both coca cola and chocolate. Oy.

What I Miss: I’m running out of clothes, yes maternity clothes, that still fit. Leggings and jeans are getting tights around my thighs and tops are not reaching as far below my stomach as they use to. I refuse to buy more maternity clothes though so if you see me out and about, just deal with my mess of a wardrobe please :/

Stretch Marks: Still none! You better believe I’m doing everything I can to NOT get any. I think I mentioned it before but my momma didn’t have any until after her second so crossing fingers!

Belly Button: Flatter and flatter every day but there’s still an tiny indention there!

Mood: I feel myself getting more frustrated lately. Frustrated about my limitations due to pregnancy (dang high risk pregnancy!), about my weight gain (or rather how I look in the mirror and feel in my clothes), and about non pregnancy related things too.

Labor Signs: Nothing more than Braxton Hick’s which is good. It’s not time for him to come yet. Stay baking Little Guy!

Milestones: My breast pump came in the mail a few days ago! That might not be considered a milestones in other’s eyes but I’m so stinking’ excited about it!

Upcoming Appointments/Events: One more week before my next OB appointment. Last week he was measuring about 2 weeks ahead and I’m interested to see how much he’s grown!

What I look forward to: I’m finally getting to the point, after two baby showers, where I’m ready for him to be here. I know he has more developing to do and I want him to stay in there until he’s ready but at the same time I want to hold my precious baby boy. Also, I’m kind of really tired of pregnant.

Weekly Wisdom: The third trimester, even though the same length as the first and shorter than the second, lasts for freakin’ ever. I was told it’d feel like this but it’s just like everything else people tell you about pregnancy – you don’t believe it or understand it until it happens to you.


  1. Melissa List says:

    The main stretch marks I got were just under my belly button,where I could barely see while pregnant. 🙂 It’s nice because they shrank a ton and look fantastic now.

  2. Melissa List says:

    OH, and while you don’t feel like it, you really do look fabulous. You have the perfect baby belly and matching curves. 🙂