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I’m leaving on a cruise ship!

June 5, 2011

Sung to the tune of “I’m leaving on a jet plane”.

If I blogged every day or every other day like I use to then today would be spent writing and scheduling blog posts for this coming week. But I don’t post that often anymore so I’m not going to worry about it. I don’t think you’ll mind.

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, my parents, older brother and his family will pick Neil and myself up at the lake house. We’ll take the 10 hour drive to Valdosta GA where we will stay over night. The next morning we’ll drive 5 more hours to Port Canaveral FL where we’ll be boarding this monster of a thing:

We planned and booked our cruise on the Disney Dream this time last year. We pretty much HAD to book that far ahead due to it being the newest ship (it wasn’t even finished when we booked the cruise!) and certainly the most popular. I’ve been on two cruises already and my parents a few more but this cruise is going to special for all of us for several reasons:

– This will be Neil’s first cruise
– This will be Brent, Amanda, and Hannah’s first cruise
– The last cruise I went on was over 10 years ago so they’ll definitely be a newness for me too.
– It’s a DISNEY cruise
– The Disney Dream is their newest ship
– Did I mention it’s a DISNEY cruise?!?

Something not special but worth mentioning is that my younger brother John will not be joining us on this year’s family vacation due to him being a genius. We’re excited for him but sad he’ll be missing the cruise. We’ll definitely be missing him!

In other news, my sister-in-law Amy got married yesterday! I didn’t take any pictures during the ceremony or reception for two reasons, 1) I wasn’t the photographer, and 2) have you SEEN how big my camera is? Yea. Although, it wouldn’t have look awful with my dress which I HAVE to show you as soon as I get a picture of me from the wedding. I did take a few picture during the rehearsal and the gathering that followed so I’ll get those up…..sometime. Obviously not this week because I’ll be on a cruise! Can you tell I’m excited?


  1. Heather says:

    I’ve never been on a cruise. I hope y’all have a great time! Can’t wait to see pictures and read all about it.

  2. Erica says:

    oh how exciting. have tons of fun and take lots of photos!

  3. Elly says:

    Woah! That’s amazing! Have a brilliant time, hey. A Disney cruise! That’s so awesome 🙂

  4. Pam says:

    *jealous mutterings….* Have Fun!! I have always wanted to go on a disney cruise. Oh and wear sun screen!!!

  5. Leanne says:

    Oh wow, this is AWESOME! And sounds exciting ^_^

    I’ve never been on a cruise before (and would LOVE to!). What exactly does the Disney cruise have? (Haha, I’ve actually never been to Disney before…).

    Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful time! Take lots of pictures and don’t worry about not blogging for a bit…we totally understand that you’re relaxing on a HUGE DISNEY CRUISE SHIP… haha. Have fun girl 😉

  6. Claudia says:

    You are much more brave than I am: terrible fear of deep water. I hope you have a great time.

    Congratulations to your sister in law on her wedding!

  7. Jess says:

    Wow, so lucky! I want to go on a cruise someday. Lots of details when you come back =) Hope everything else is going well too! I know it’s been a long time since I’ve been around.