You guys. We’re moving Wednesday. Like in 4 days. I’m excited but not.
Neil and I have spent 3 days just this week in Murray, preparing one of the apartment units for its new tenant. The whole unit needed patching up and new paint. With only a few hours each day available, it’s taking us forever. I figure we still have two days left before it’s done and the new tenant is moving in Friday. For the next week, I’m a little busy.
Today I’m shooting a wedding in Lone Oak with Stephanie Reeder. It’s another all day thing. We’ll eat lunch at The Parlor and then head over to the ceremony site. Last Saturday’s wedding in Nashville was amazing and I can’t wait to show you a few images but because of how crazy this week has been I haven’t had the time to even cull through them yet! I doubt I’ll get to them this week and then the following week we’ll be on our cruise. I wish I could focus just on photography instead of also these other things.
Sunday Neil and I are going to church and then my sister in law Kelly and I are taking our sister in law Amy out for lunch as her bachelorette party. I wish we could give her something more but we had no time to plan. I actually wasn’t aware that she wasn’t having a party until a few days ago. I hate it but we’re doing what we can and I know that the three of us will have a good time. Later that evening I have a portrait session with Lorena and her husband Chad in Paducah. I can not wait! They are such an adorable couple and Lorena is my best friend. How can I not be excited?!
Next week, as I said, is going to be CRAZY. I hope I’ll be able to update more about it later.
Holy moly girl! You’re going NON-STOP!
At least you won’t be bored, right?
Well, good luck with the move and have fun at the wedding!
PS, I’m sure your sister in law will love lunch 🙂 I love getting together with family over food, a drink, or whatever 🙂
woah, exciting and busy. My summer hasn’t even started yet. lol I have one month of school left.
at least you got to have lunch and girl chat time with me! It was so good to see you! I got an infection from that bug bite that I got Thursday, but I should be good in a few days if you need help unpacking or help not unpacking 🙂
You are a busy girl!! Good luck!!